I just woke up! What the hell is FarmerLand?

I'm glad you asked! FarmerLand is a Farm-themed P2E NFT game with titillating idle gameplay! Combine Farmer, Tool, and Land NFTs to earn WHEAT tokens and USDC dividends in our Wheat DeFi system!

What are the building blocks of FarmerLand?

Our NFT staking code is partially custom developed and partially inherited from our other project, Darkside Finance. The WHEAT DeFi code is forked from Avarice BUSD, again with some modifications. Various other ideas came from Raid Party and DeFi Kingdoms.

How do I play?

The first step is to acquire WHEAT tokens! At this stage, the only way is to participate in the Community Bootstrap Event! After that, we will have daily auction lobbies and stake selling to accommodate new users.

Will WHEAT have liquidity?

No! The T2X/Avarice system is designed for the WHEAT Staking, Stake Buying/Selling, and Stake Lending/Borrowing features to substitute for traditional DEX use. Users may choose to provide liquidity on any DEX, but the amount is likely to be small, and slippage high!

Can I get free tokens for promoting FarmerLand in my own circles?

You sure can! Check out our Referral page for more info!

What's this about Passive Income Investment?

Some funds received by the team will go towards Passive Income Generation in domains such as forex and Allocation Management Module accounts. The profits will be harvested by stakers of WHEAT and FarmerLand NFTs!

Is the team working on anything else?

Yes! On ETH network, we plan to release a DEX called Janis that integrates the entire vertical of NFT liquidity incentivization. In addition, we plan to continue development on future versions of FarmerLand! Please check our Roadmap for details.

This all looks complicated... Wen audit?

Please check our Audit page!

This all looks cool... where can I learn more about further developments?

Check our Links page to follow our socials for updates!

Ser, wen AMA?

Here is our AMA schedule, subject to change:

Last updated